Cancer Biology and Functional Genomics
Projects in this area aim to investigate dynamic aspects of genome, such as gene transcription, translation, regulation of gene expression, protein–protein and protein-DNA interactions, and their relationship with the mechanisms leading to cancer development and progression.
To this end our projects are focused:
- to identify non-coding DNA regulatory regions functionally relevant in cancer and to dissect their mechanism of action
- to identify and characterize from both a molecular and functional point of view long non-coding RNA involved in cancer development and progression
- to understand the relationship between coding and non-coding genome and cancer cell biology
- to explore the mechanisms underlying cancer aggressiveness
- to explore the mechanisms underlying cancer drug resistance
- to study changes in cellular metabolism during cancer progression.
Major experimental technologies:
- Chromatin Immunoprecipitaion (ChIP) for the characterization of the functional status of the genome and for the analysis of proteins-DNA binding.
- ChIP-Sequencing analysis, for the genome wide profile of chromatin status.
- CRISPR-Cas9- genome editing approaches for targeted and genome wide mutagenesis of coding and non-coding elements.
- RNA-sequencing for gene expression profile.
- Luminex-based technology for high sensitivity multiplex analytes determination.
- Flow-cytometry.
- RNA-Immunoprecipitation (RIP-Seq) for proteins-RNA interaction analysis.
- Chromosome conformation capture (3C) to characterize the tridimensional interactions of distant genomic regions.
- Chromatin Isolation by RNA purification (ChiRP) for the identification of RNA binding to genomic regions.
- Primary cell cultures derived from human tumor and normal tissues.
List of active projects
- Assessing the function of non-coding genome in the metastatic progression of melanoma.
- Characterization of DNA regulatory regions responsible for the aberrant reactivation of Runx2 expression in cancer.
- A CRISPR-Cas9 approach for the identification of genetic determinants of immunotherapy resistance in lung cancer.
- Molecular dissection of Cadherin 6 (CDH6) function in aggressive thyroid tumors.
- From epigenetic drugs to target therapies: improving HDACi based anti-cancer therapies by dissecting the functional relation between HADC and RUNX2.
- RAINs: Novel RUNX2 associated lncRNAs in cancer.
- Novel aspects in the long-non coding RNA (lncRNA) NEAT1 biological function in tumors.
- Characterization of E2F7 role in aggressive thyroid cancer.
- Mapping lncRNAs associated to transcription activator chromatin remodeling complexes.
- Discovery of novel lncRNAs involved in T cell differentiation and Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphomas classification.
- Characterization of SIRT1 pathway in Non-Hodgkin lymphomas.
- SIRT1 regulation in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas: epigenetic modifications as therapeutic targets.
- Characterization of Resveratrol metabolites anti-inflammatory and anti-tumoral potential.
- Investigating Aicda expression and activity in mature B-cell lymphomas.
- Profiling the molecular bases of the metabolitic switch in cancer: a challenge to overcome drug resistance.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 23/09/21