Francesco Ghini

Role: My interest in cancer field starts at the beginning of my bachelor’s thesis in the lab of Prof. Leonardo Fabbri at the university of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

There, I had the opportunity to focus on Lung Cancer, to understand how this pathology rises in patient and the molecular mechanisms behind lung cancer pathogenesis. I got the master degree in Medical Biotechnology at San Raffaele Vita-Salute University, in Milan, under the supervision of Dr. Giovanni Tonon: my thesis focused on the histone methyl transferase WHSC1L1, that is amplified in 20% cases of Squamous Lung Carcinoma, representing an attractive candidate for targeted therapy.

The stimulating environment of San Raffaele Scientific Institute convinced me to pursue my studies and enrol in the PhD Program in Molecular Medicine (SEMM) at IFOM-IEO Campus in Milan. At that time, I developed a strong interest in microRNA and non-coding RNA field, therefore, I applied for a position in the Centre for Genomic Science (IIT@SEMM) in the miRNA and non-coding RNA lab, headed by Dr. Francesco Nicassio. I was offered a PhD position in a project aimed at clarifying the modes and the mechanisms of miRNA degradation both in human physiology and cancer pathology. During my PhD program, I had the opportunity to participate to many international scientific meeting where I received the honour to give talks related to my project (Keystone meeting – Colorado, EMBOs meetings – Pultusk and Vienna).

After PhD graduation, I moved in the Laboratory of Translational Research at the ASMN Research Hospital in Reggio Emilia under the supervision of Dr. Alessia Ciarrocchi. Here, I have the opportunity to be involved in a project of translational medicine regarding the molecular mechanisms occurring in Melanoma and in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer.


Ultimo aggiornamento: 24/09/21